Canon T3i Kit

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Shoot More Images with a Canon T3i Kit

The Canon T3i is an affordable SLR camera. Finding a Canon T3i kit can provide you with the camera, a lens, and a few other accessories. Shop eBay to find the kit that meets your photographic needs.

What are some of the features of a Canon T3i?

The Rebel T3i is a Canon SLR camera that offers interchangeable lenses. There are also many features built into the camera that is highly desirable, including the following:

  • AF sensor with 9 autofocus points
  • Sensor dust reduction
  • CMOS optical sensor
  • 18 MP sensor resolution
  • Built-in flash
What's often included in a kit?

A Canon T3i kit may include a number of different accessories. These can enhance your photographic capabilities considerably. On eBay, you'll find plenty of custom bundles to give you what you need.

  • Lenses: One or more lenses may be packaged with the camera body.
  • External flash: Get a higher level flash for more photo scenarios.
  • Camera bag: Bring all of your camera equipment with you and keep everything safe and secure.
  • Camera strap: Wear your camera around your neck to keep it safe.
  • Memory card: Store digital images on a card inside of your camera.
What are some of the available lenses?

There are a number of lenses that you can attach to your Canon Rebel. You will want to consider the kinds of photos you will take as some photos are better than others. Depending on the Canon T3i kit that you get, there may be a few lenses included. It's common for kits to provide you with zoom lenses as opposed to a fixed focal length.

  • Wide-angle: Anything under 35mm is identified as wide angle, allowing you to get up to 180-degree angles.
  • Standard: 50mm to 60mm focal lengths are standard and allow you to stand around 10 feet in front of a subject.
  • Telephoto: 70mm to 300mm or 400mm is a telephoto lens. You can get close to your subject without having to physically be close.
How many photos can a memory card hold?

With a digital camera like the Canon T3i, you don't have to worry about changing out the film. Instead, you will use a memory card inside of the camera. You can choose various memory capacities based on how many photos you plan on taking.

  • 32GB: 6250 JPEG or 1,203 raw images
  • 64GB: 12,500 JPEG or 2,406 raw images
  • 128GB: 25,000 JPEG or 4,812 raw images
  • 256GB: 50,000 JPEG or 9,624 raw images
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