Inflatable Boats

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Get Convenience and Fun With Inflatable Boats

A new or used inflatable boat allows you to collapse your boat to a small, convenient size whenever you need to transport it or store it. When you are ready to relax on the water, all you have to do is inflate it.

How do you inflate a boat?

Whenever you need to inflate a boat, all you need to do is follow these steps.

  • Step 1: Unfold the boat and check to see if there are any visible holes or other types of damage.
  • Step 2: Remove the valves from the boat. If there are multiple valves, number them to avoid confusion when you replace them.
  • Step 3: If the inflatable boat has a hard floor or seats, go ahead and slot these into place.
  • Step 4: Fill the chambers of the inflatable boat with either an air pump, an air compressor, or your own lungs. Make sure each one is filled evenly, and close the valve after filling it.
  • Step 5: Place in the water.

Each boat may have a slightly different procedure, so refer to the manufacturer's instructions.

How do you store an inflatable boat?

Proper storage will help your inflatable boat last through several boating adventures. Once you get out of the water, clean the inflatable boat with soap and water to remove any salt, sand, and other debris. Allow it to thoroughly air-dry, and then remove the valves and deflate it. Gently fold the inflatable boat and store it in a cool, dry area without any insects or other pests. It is best to place it on the floor and avoid contact with any spiky or sharp surfaces.

How do you move an inflatable boat?

The method for actually propelling the inflatable boat will depend on what style of boat you select.

  • Oar-powered: Some boats will rely entirely on your own power. You will need to use an oar to paddle through the water with this type of boat.
  • Motor-powered: If you prefer to let the boat do the work for you, you can select a boat with a motor. These have a lightweight motor on the back that lets you propel them through the water.
  • Pull boats: This style does not come with oars or a motor. Instead, it lets you attach the inflatable boat to a larger boat that will then pull the boat through the water for you.