Original WW2 Collectible US Medals & Ribbons

Honor the Doughboys With a Collection of World War II Medals and Ribbons

From the time that the United States entered World War II until its completion, the government handed out 16 different types of medals, including the first medal of honor. You can honor these brave men by collecting preowned World War II medals and ribbons. When you shop on eBay for World War II medals for sale, you can find many original options earned by these brave men and women.

Types of World War II United States Army medals

The United States Congress awarded many medals and ribbons to Army soldiers during World War II, including:

  • Medal of Honor - This medal contains a five-pointed star over a green and gold laurel wreath. The image of the Roman goddess Minerva is found in the middle of the star, and she is surrounded by the words "United States of America."It is attached to a light blue ribbon with 13 white stars via an eagle who also holds a metal bar with the word valor stamped on it.
  • Distinguished service cross - This World War II medal consists of a bronze cross with an eagle resting on it. Below the eagle are the words "For Valor." Behind the eagle is a laurel wreath. The medal hangs from a red, white, and blue ribbon.
  • Silver star - This World War II medal consists of a five-point gold star with a silver star superimposed in the middle. Rays project out from the silver star to meet a laurel wreath surrounding this medal. This World War II medal hangs from a white and blue striped ribbon that has a red stripe down the middle.
Were there different types of World War II Legion of Merit medals?

Yes, there were four levels of Legion of Merit medals given to soldiers during World War II. All of these medals show a green laurel wreath with a gold bow-knot on it. Then, a white five-pointed star outlined in crimson is on top of the wreath. In the middle is 13 white stars. A replica of the medal appears on a gold horizontal bar where it attaches to the crimson ribbon on chief commander degree World War II medals. On commander World War II medals, the gold bar is silver instead, while on the officer level, a replica of the medal is on the ribbon itself. The legionnaire level's medal hangs from a gold loop.

What did the Honorable Service lapel button look like?

The Honorable Service lapel button depicts an eagle inside a wreath. The wreath cuts across the eagle's right wing. In many cases, the eagle on this gilt brass or gilt plastic medal looks more like a duck. Therefore, many call it the ruptured duck medal.