Technics Home Audio CD Players & Recorders MP3 Playable Media Format


One stop shop for all things from your favorite brand

What to Look for in Home Audio Devices

Having a music and home audio system in your home can make all the difference to how you unwind or re-energize. Being able to listen to and play music sets the mood. Alternatively, listening to other forms of media, such as a book read aloud on a CD or podcast downloaded to an MP3 player is a great way to take in information, and the Technics line might be a great place to start looking.

What Products Does This Brand Make?

Technics are a brand of audio equipment and players from the Panasonic Corporation, first appearing in the mid-1960's. Products are released for both the home consumer and professional musos alike; their turntables and amplifiers popular with DJs of many genres. Current home equipment includes:

  • All-in-one Models: The Ottova SC-C70 and the SC-C500 are this brand's current all-in-one models. The SC-C70 is the premium option with additional features including the ability to calibrate the device to suit the acoustics in your room. The SC-C500 is a compact all-in-one combined CD and MP3 player with separate speakers. It can connect to your home network using a LAN connection, or via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
  • Separate Componentry: With the Premium Class C700 series you can add and replace componentry as you wish. The network audio player can connect to your other devices and has a USB port for transferring files. An integrated amplifier allows you to optimize your sound. A separate Technics CD player is compatible with standard CDs, MP3, WMA, and CD-DA files that are burned onto discs. Speaker systems are also separate and available in different colors.

What Features Should I Consider in a CD Player?

Models of CD players have come out in designs from simple to sophisticated over the years. Basic features to consider include: 

  • Disc Formats: Check what type of file formats the player will read. Very, very early models may only run standard CDs, while later models will usually read CDs, MP3s, and other file formats, both digital and analog. 
  • Random and Repeat: If you want variety in the order you hear your tracks, or to play it again multiple times, look for models with random and repeat functions.
  • Controls: Make sure the controls are easy to understand and use. There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to listen to something and not being able to figure out how to turn it on! Many models also have remote controls, so you can kick back and relax from a comfortable chair.
  • Connectivity: If you want to connect your CD player with other devices or your TV system, check whether their inputs and output connections are compatible with each other.