Verizon Network Cell Phones & Smartphones

Verizon Cell Phones and Smartphones

As a Verizon Wireless customer, you can choose from any of a number of great cell phones. With a variety of plans ranging from basic service to unlimited everything, finding the right phone is an essential part of making the most of your service. From classic designs to high-end touchscreen smartphones, Verizon phones come from major manufacturers such as LG, Apple, and Samsung.

What type of phone should you get?

There is no one right phone for everyone, but there is a right phone for you. Depending on your needs and preferences, you can find a model that will work for you.

  • Classic: If you need basic wireless service for the occasional call and light web-browsing, consider a classic design. Classic style gives you a compact, sturdy phone that you can bring anywhere. Models in this category include the Samsung Convoy, LG Revere, and Kyocera DuraXV Plus.
  • Touchscreen Smartphone: This device type features a touchscreen that you can use to make calls, surf the internet, and watch HD video. Models in this category include HTC One, Apple iPhone, and Samsung Galaxy S.
  • Phablet: These touchscreen smartphones have a larger than normal screen, giving you a more immersive, interactive experience. Models in this category include Samsung Galaxy Note and Apple iPhone Plus.
  • Flip Smartphone: If you'd like to combine the benefits of a flip cover and high-speed wireless access, consider a flip smartphone. These devices generally have miniature keyboards for texting and surfing the web without touching the screen. Models in this category include the LG EnV and Samsung Alias.

Does Verizon offer no-contract plans?

Yes, they do. By bringing your own mobile device to a new or existing plan, you can select a Verizon Wireless service on your terms. This means no contract and no cancellation fees. Often known as pay-as-you-go or prepaid, this flexibility is one of the main reasons to get your own phone.

What does CDMA mean?

CDMA stands for Core-division Multiple Access, and it's the kind of network that Verizon uses. CDMA technology allows multiple calls to share a single signal without loss of quality. Any cell phone unlocked for use with CDMA will work on the Verizon Wireless network.

What does LTE mean?

Long-term Evolution refers to high-speed 4G-based wireless access. In addition to CDMA, Verizon also has LTE in most areas. You can use any phone with LTE unlocked to access your plan in these areas.